What is cancer? Here are the causes and symptoms of cancer.

In the world nearly 1 crore and 40 lakh people are effected from cancer. And from this disease 80 lakh people d!es. The calculation is done by the health professor on which they have told that until 2030 iaruind 2 crore 30 lakh people will be affected by this disease where 1 crore 20 lakh people will suffer d*eath. And the most painful thing is that this type of disease will mostly affect the poor countries like ours.

What is cancer?
To define cancer it is hard. If this disease caught anyone they will feel hard to get rid from such problems. According to natural rule this will damage the cell of the body slowly. So that the process on the body gets affected and due to things other types of cells starts to form. This disease doesn’t follow any rule and increases on its own way. But it takes some important thing from the human body. In short when the control of the cell of the body gets out of hand and starts to get controlled out is called cancer.

Causes of cancer
How will the cancer cause that is hard to know but 90% cancer is caused due to the food that we eat. On this mostly cancer is caused due to alcohol, meat that contains most fat, smoke, fried meat etc. Cigarette causes 35% cancer. On other reason HIV, hepatitis-b, HPV virus etc falls. Other like working on harmful radiation place, coloring place etc too causes cancer.

Symptoms of cancer
After lots of study American cancer society has found 7 symptoms. On this when some symptoms is seen you need to consult doctor immediately.
1. Continuous cough and effect on voice.
2. Comes hard round ball that is not painful on breast or any place.
3. The black mole increases. 4. Wounds which doesn’t get recovers.
5. Blood flows more.
6. Digestion and swallowing problem.
7. The schedule on stool and urine changes.

Treatment or prevention
Cancer mostly prevented on three ways
1. Surgery
2. Radiotherapy
3. Chemotherapy

Or say according to hormone and biological product the treatment is done. But it is better to prevent it before cause. Some of the food should be stopped to prevent the cancer. Cancer can be caused to rich old any type people. So you need to stay away from such problems.


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